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Großes Kino, kleines Kino #56 – Go! Go! Go! & Slow! Slow! Slow!

Film still from 33 Yoyo Tricks: A man is holding a yoyo in front of his face.

Sun 20.11.

Films play with time; they can show us images at breakneck speed or infinitely slowly. In PP II (1986) by M.M. Serra, you have to open your eyes wide to keep up with the speed of the images. In CATFILMFORKATYANDCYNNIE (1973) by Standish Lawder, on the other hand, everything happens with a surprising slowness: children rock back and forth, sometimes almost stopping in mid-air. For her part, Marie Menken has the people she portrays in GO! GO! GO! (1963), race through the streets of New York at high speed, as if they are all in a great hurry. Slow motion once again is used extensively in P. White's film 33 YO-YO TRICKS (1976), so that the performances can be studied in depth. In A CHAIRY TALE (1957) by Norman McLaren and Claude Jutra, a man and a chair perform an amusing dance that is sometimes slow, sometimes very fast, and has the viewer laughing until the last second. (Stefanie Schlüter)

For ages 7 and up.

PPII M. M. Serra USA 1986 16 mm 1 min
Catfilm for Katy and Cynnie Standish Lawder USA 197316 mm 3 min
Go! Go! Go! Marie Menken USA 196316 mm 12 min
33 Yo-Yo Tricks P. White USA 1976 16 mm 7 min
A Chairy Tale Norman McLaren & Claude Jutra USA 1957 35 mm 10 min

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Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund